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Maailmanmestari Lewis Hamilton kommentoi uutta diiliä somessa

19.07.2018 klo 18.01 | Luettu: 1686 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Nelinkertainen F1-maailmanmestari Lewis Hamilton jatkaa Mercedes-tallissa seuraavan kahden vuoden ajan.

Vuodesta 2013 lähtien tallissa ajanut Hamilton kommentoi uutta sopimusta somessa:

"I have been in the Mercedes Family since 1998. I am forever grateful for their continued support, unwavering love and protection over these years. I’m incredibly proud of what we have achieved together and even more excited of what we will achieve together moving forward. There is no better place for me than right where I am. A big thank you to the team for their patience and to Toto for trusting in me. We win and we lose together always".

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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