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Britney Spears tuskailee somessa Botoxiin liittyvistä ongelmistaan

13.08.2023 klo 03.48 | Luettu: 700 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Ongelmainen poppari Britney Spears tuskailee someviestissään otsastaan, otsatukasta ja Botoxista.

Miten saada otsa peittoon, otsatukka lienee vaihtoehto, koska Botox ei toimi. Ainakaan Spearsin kohdalla. Kokemukset ovat huonoja, jopa pelottavia.

Spears kertoo aikoinaan ottaneensa Botoxia ensimmäisen kerran huuliin, New Yorkissa. Spears väittää, ettei Los Angelesissa saa kunnon Botox-hoitoja. Poppari kertoo somessa ankeita kokemuksiaan Botox-hoidoista.

"FUCK BOTOX, it is horrific", Spears päättää vuodatuksensa. Spears täyttää joulukuussa 42 vuotta.

"I have a big forehead and I seriously need bangs but I feel like I can’t see sometimes with bangs !!! I’m sharing this because it actually really does work. Too many times, these so-called “best doctors” do amazing Botox. Never again in Los Angeles. My first time, I just did lips in New York City. WAY different than LA … so subtle, it was an adorable pout !!!! The place had all hardwood floors and was raw. For probably 10 to 15 years, I haven’t had mine done right, and what’s with the times when one eyebrow is up and one is down? I can’t even be seen for 2 weeks. My friend’s sisters think it’s funny and laugh but I’d like to see what they would do if someone did that to their face. OK … so maybe in a movie like “Just Go with It” where that girl’s eyebrows are messed up, that’s funny. But not in real life when one eye is black and blue and way higher than the other. I cried and then I’m like, when is this gonna go away? “Oh, just give it a week or two.” Sometimes the nerves act that way and have a reverse effect, and I’m like, “I look like somebody beat the shit out of me” !!! So of course, I go back and show the doctor. She says that’s completely normal, and I said, “then why can’t I go anywhere for two weeks?” and my friend’s sisters laughed. FUCK BOTOX, it is horrific !!! Sio is unbelievable"

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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