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Cara Delevingne lehden kansikuvassa - kuin nuorempi versio Charlize Theronista

16.08.2017 klo 23.00 | Luettu: 2921 kertaa | Teksti: J.A. Kaunisto

Cara Delevingne tähdittää parhaillaan elokuvateattereissa pyörivää Luc Bessonin scififantasiaa Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.

Elle (UK) on ottanut Caran kansikuvahahmokseen. Kuvassa lyhythiuksinen ja tiukkailmeinen Cara vaikuttaa nuoremmalta versiolta Charlize Theronista.

ELLE’s new-look September issue is here! And because we don’t do things by halves, we’ve got not one, but two newsstand covers. Here’s the first of two main covers starring @caradelevingne. Inside the model, activist, advocate, actor and now author talks to bestselling author @jenniferniven about writing her first YA book, Mirror, Mirror. ‘I’ve always had this wonderful connection with teenagers… Just having girls message me being like, “I’m really dealing with the pressure of my thoughts, my friends, eating disorders” – that kind of thing. And I was like, I have an opportunity to really be there for them and help… be a voice for teens and be honest as to how I suffered as a teenager.’ Read the full interview in ELLE’s September issue, on sale Tuesday 15 August. Photograph by @kaizfeng, styling by Charlotte Stockdale (@chaos), wearing @calvinkelin CALVIN KLEIN 205W39NYC

Henkilön ELLE UK (@elleuk) jakama julkaisu

V2.fi | J.A. Kaunisto
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Keskustelut (1 viestiä)


18.08.2017 klo 09.43

Onko kaunistolla jonkinasteinen ihastus menossa kun tykkää Carasta niin uutisoida? ;););)

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